Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week 2 Post

The most interesting part of this week was indeed the video we watched in class about slowing down. Carl Honore and his message to slow down, sparked a strong interest in my mind. He started off the lecture by claiming that we as a society are stuck in fast forward. I strongly agree with Honore, because as I look at my daily routine, I notice that I intend to get through my day as fast as possible. Like many Americans, I take shortcuts to complete tasks and try to do things efficiently. He goes on to talk about speed reading to his son and how it was unhealthy that he wanted to speed through this particular time of the day. After he realized that reading to his son should be the thing he looked most forward to, Honore made a change in his life and reading to his son is now the most important part of his day. Learning and changing is a part of humanity and once we make a mistake we should be able to correct it for the next time. Learning to slow down is a perfect example of this and Carl Honore's lecture has inspired me to look at my life, slow down, and enjoy it because life is short.

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