Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 10 Post

This week I chose to read the Epilogue to Marcus Borg's, Jesus, and although there were multiple interesting parts to this epilogue, one especially caught my eye. The section just before the end called, A Vision of the Christian Life was very interesting. Borg states, "that the central claim of this book is how we see Jesus affects how we see Christianity--it shapes what we think the Christian life is most centrally about" (307). I think this that this is very important because with all the criticisms and other religions present in the world today, it is difficult to come to conclusion on what we believe a life of faith to be about. Borg continues to say, "a Jesus seen within a historical-metaphorical paradigm, and an emerging vision of Christianity, go hand in hand." I agree with this statement and I think that Jesus is seen in a historical and metaphorical paradigm throughout the bible, and these two ideas contribute to a Christian vision that Borg builds in this epilogue.

The next thing Borg speaks on is how beliefs should be secondary, not primary. Importantly, Christianity is a way to be followed more than a set of beliefs to be believed. I also agree with this statement because practice is more important than what's correct. A lot of people question belief and what they have to look at is that beliefs are very important, yet they are not the object of faith. Rather, God is the object of commitment, and for Christians, God is known in Jesus. Borg does a really good job explaining what the vision of the Christian Life is to be. After putting this book down I can honestly say that what Borg has to say is very interesting and enlightening. 

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