Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 12 Post

This weeks readings consisted of sections from the Common English Bible. Again, I found these readings to be very interesting because the Common English Bible does a good job at organizing the readings and making them clear to read. This section in particular was the readings from the Philippians. This section starts with a greeting, and then continues with a section called Thanksgiving and Prayer. I liked reading this part because, to me, prayer is a big part of faith. I try and pray everyday or every night and I try not to forget to do so. I used to pray before my meals, however I have strayed from doing so recently. This section was good because it inspired me to get back to the routine where I pray before every meal and give thanks to everything I have been given in this life.

As I continued to read, a section called Values and Priorities caught my eye. The initial message is to be glad in the Lord, which I think is key for a every Christian to understand. The next thing to do is to watch out for people who do evil, as they might cause you to stray from your faith. And the final message of this section is to forget about what is behind us, and focus on what is ahead, and how we are going to handle our future endeavors. This message is truly the message of Christianity, spoken here in the Philippians. It is our duty to serve God and our actions must be consistent with whatever level of spirituality we reach. I thoroughly enjoyed these readings because I think they did well at grasping the ideas and goals of Christianity. It is up to us to follow these guidelines, and I think the more that we put into our faith, the more we ultimately will get out of it.

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